Scientists Discover Alarming Rise in Advanced Prostate Cancer in California - After a change in screening guidelines, the incidence increased across the state, surpassing the national trend. A new study from UC San Francisco reports a significant increase in advanced prostate cancer cases in California over the past decade, following the decline of routine screenings for all men....
Magnetic Vise Makes Positioning Your Workpiece Easier - [Chris Borge] was doing some fine tapping operations, and wanted a better way to position his workpieces. This was critical to avoid breaking taps or damaging parts. To this end, …read more
Superbugs Are Losing to Science, Light, and a Little Spice - Texas A&M researchers have found that curcumin, when activated by light, can weaken antibiotic-resistant bacteria, restoring the effectiveness of conventional antibiotics. This breakthrough, called photodynamic inactivation, could help combat deadly superbugs and reduce medical costs worldwide. Curcumin:...
Satellite Internet On 80s Hardware - Portability has been a goal of a sizable section of the computing world for many decades now. While the obvious products of this are laptops, there are a number of …read more
3D Printed Air Raid Siren Sounds Just Like The Real Thing - Air raid sirens have an important job to do, and have been a critical piece of public safety infrastructure in times of geopolitical turmoil. They sound quite unlike anything else, …read more
How Quantum Mechanics Powers the Near-Perfect Efficiency of Photosynthesis - Plants harness quantum physics to capture solar energy with near-perfect efficiency. Scientists are now exploring how to apply this to next-gen renewable energy tech. Photosynthesis, the process plants use to convert sunlight into energy, relies on an incredibly efficient energy transfer system. Before...
Meta Opens Facebook Marketplace To Rival Ad Providers Following EU Antitrust Fine - Companies are facing increasing pressure from regulatory authorities that are looking into any violations committed and possibly seeking to levy heavy fines as a result. Tech giants have been getting more vigilant and revamping their processes to ensure they do not have to face further scrutiny and do...
Adding USB-C (Kinda) to a PowerMac G4 - For those who’ve never bitten the Apple, the PowerMac G4 was a blue-tinted desktop Macintosh offered from 1999 to 2004. At the time, the machines were plenty fast — being …read more
Five-minute cement quality test could replace week-long standard - A new test developed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign can predict the performance of a new type of cementitious construction material in five minutes—a significant improvement over the current industry standard ...
Heart Machine Reveals First Early Access Roadmap for Hyper Light Breaker - After getting off to a slightly rocky start, Heart Machine has revealed its plans for Hyper Light Breaker in the game's first Early Access roadmap. The roadmap details a ton of changes coming to the game from February through to April. While a lot of the changes are minor additions in February and March,...
How To Find Where a Wire in a Cable is Broken - Determining that a cable has a broken conductor is the easy part, but where exactly is the break? In a recent video, [Richard] over at the Learn Electronics Repair channel on …read more
Poland appeals court orders retrial for activist aiding abortion - Poland’s Warshaw Court of Appeal ordered a retrial of activist Justyna Wydrzyńska Thursday, citing concerns of judicial impartiality. Human rights organizations welcomed the decision, contending that abortion care should not be criminalized. The appellate court remitted the case to the trial court...
New Treatment Offers Quick Cure for Common Cause of High Blood Pressure - Triple T, a new minimally invasive therapy, could replace adrenal surgery for treating primary aldosteronism, a hidden cause of high blood pressure. Early trials show promising results, with further studies ongoing. Doctors from Queen Mary University of London, Barts Health NHS Trust, and University College...
Desert Secrets: Scientist Discovers 16 New Grasshopper Species in U.S. and Mexico - New research has discovered 16 new desert grasshopper species, revealing their Ice Age-driven isolation and diversification. A Mississippi State University scientist has uncovered a hopping treasure trove—16 new species of grasshoppers thriving in the thorny scrublands of U.S. and Mexican deserts. Before...
Earth’s First Oceans Were an Acidic Hellscape – Here’s What Happened Next - How did Earth transform from a hostile, acidic ocean world to one that nurtured life? Scientists at Yale and in Singapore have developed a groundbreaking model to estimate how ocean acidity evolved over time. Unraveling Earth’s Habitability Through Ocean Acidity Scientists at Yale and Singapore’s...
[News] Major Carmakers Porsche and Nissan Cut Jobs Amid Market Slowdown - Major auto companies have announced layoffs. According to a report from Reuters, citing sources, Porsche AG has decided to cut an additional 1,900 jobs across the company in the next four years after determining that a previously implemented program was insufficient. As noted by the report, Porsc...
Hidden Epidemic: Drug-Resistant Bacteria Are Spreading Through Hospital Plumbing - A study found that hospital sink drains harbor dangerous bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains. Despite thorough cleaning, bacteria persist and spread, posing risks to vulnerable patients. Some strains even resist last-resort antibiotics, highlighting a major public health concern. Deadly Infections...