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 Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/26/2024 [PM]  - Friday, July 26 Rep. Good: Speaker Johnson Needs To Keep Congress Working In DC Representative Bob Good expresses frustration with Congress’s lack of progress on key issues, criticizing House Speaker Mike Johnson’s decision to send Congress on a District work period in August. Good argues that Congress...

 Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/26/2024 [AM]  - Friday, July 26 Batya Ungar-Sargon Grills Kamala Harris Bayta Ungar-Sargon praised the American working class as “the most tolerant, colorblind people on planet Earth,” stating they would support any candidate who doesn’t insult or harm them, regardless of identity. Ungar-Sargon criticized Democrats...

 Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/25/2024 [PM]  - Thursday, July 25 Democrats Are Manipulating Voter Roll Data To Launder Campaign Cash In an interview with Natalie Winters, Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote highlighted significant concerns about election integrity, focusing on potential voter fraud linked to ActBlue and non-citizen voting. Engelbrecht...

 Radical Kamala Harris’s War on Fracking: A Closer Look at the Implications of Her Plans for the U.S  - In a Wednesday WarRoom discussion with Dave Brat, energy expert Dave Walsh critically analyzed Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris’s energy policies, mainly focusing on her stance on fracking and the broader implications for the American public. “Kamala has been out in the past aggressively with...

 33:28  - smoothieX12 2,089 views 1 hour ago 33 minutes

 Brian Kennedy: ‘Overcome Election Fraud Fears and Vote Like Your Future Depends on It’  - In a Friday discussion on the WarRoom with Ben Harnwell and Brian Kennedy, Kennedy shared his insights and concerns about the integrity of upcoming elections, focusing on the pervasive fear of electoral fraud. The conversation centered around a recent Rasmussen Reports poll that revealed 65% of Americans...

 Every Day Is Hump Day  - With Kamala, Every day is ‘hump day’ Cartoon published 07/26/2024 Special look at the first draft of Kamala’s democratic nominee acceptance speech: Hi everyone, We’re here today to coronate our nomination because today is today and yesterday was yesterday. Tomorrow is tomorrow. But, as my mother...

 Passing The Torch  - That’s not a torch Joe… Cartoon published 07/25/2024 Joe Biden finally surfaced and delivered an address to the nation, in which he said it was time to “pass the torch” to younger Democrats. Kamala Harris is about 60—not exactly young, but compared to Joe she’s a spring chicken. The old liar...